Welcome to the website of

My Sunbeam!

Are you looking for more balance in your (family) life?

Would you also like to be more in your power or learn to support your child with this?

And are you curious how I as a human being can help your body and mind (or that of your child), through massage and / or using aromatherapy?

Feel free to contact me to see what I can do for you.


I felt therapy

Focused on the person as a whole. Activating the self-healing capacity, so that complaints reduce or disappear

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Recovery massage

of covid

Does your body also feel stiff and stiff after corona, so the energy can't flow. Give your body that boost it needs

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Aroma Touch massage

Provides deep relaxation

Strengthens the immune system

Reduces inflammatory reactions

Supports and brings harmony

throughout the body

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en/of Cupping

Pitjit is an ancient one

Indonesian massage.

With the aim of balancing mind and body.

Cupping is a deep-acting massage in which cups are placed on oiled skin.

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